Thursday, February 26, 2015

Past, Present, and Future | Sharon Village Care Homes

Days Gone Bygrieving-senior

Your first bike. Your first day of school. Your first kiss. The list of fond remembrances likely stretches on and on. And whether you’re lonely or unwell or simply in a funk, it’s easy to develop a longing for those days, even though they, too, included difficulties to overcome—or, when necessary, learn to live with.

So, what are you to do when these memories fill you with sorrow and discontentment?

There are a number of ways to draw those memories to the surface in a way that will benefit you and others. Below are a few to use as a springboard for your own ideas.

Gather together old photos and write or record a few key memories each one brings to mind. (There are simple scrapbook kits that include all you need to create a keepsake that you can enjoy and pass along when the time is right.)

Think back over the years and the current technology that you did without. Write or record what life was like before cell phones and computers, before mp3 players and GPS navigation. Remember to include the challenges not just the perceived benefits.

Create a journal under the following headings: Life from 0-10; My Teen Years; Early Adulthood; Life from 30-65 (which can easily be separated into decades if you prefer); The Golden Years. This is a great exercise for your memory—and will make an incredible keepsake for those who love you.

When your present reality is challenging, it’s tempting to dwell on what once was. And while it’s great to ponder the joys of the past, it’s also important to look for the good things happening right now.

The Now

When thinking of the Now, it’s possible to narrow your focus to this very minute. Sometimes the days are difficult, but there is always good to be found and celebrated. It may take concentrated effort, however.

Here are a few ways to zero in on the good:

Create a list of things to be thankful for. Sure, you can look back and even look ahead, but start with what you have to be thankful for right this minute.

Think of half a dozen or more ways you can brighten someone else’s day. This week, seek to do so each day. If you’re feeling lonely and depressed, it’s a given that others are as well.

Plan a Thankfulness Party. Serve snacks and enjoy a time of sharing only the good things. Others’ positive contributions can spark even more ideas in their fellow partygoers.

Whether the present is challenging, overflowing with joy and laughter, or a mixture of both, it’s natural to look ahead to the days to come.

Days to Come

There once was a time when you likely couldn’t wait for the next big thing on the horizon. Purchasing your first car. Getting married. Buying your first home.

However, the older one gets, the more difficult it becomes to look to the future. You may not plan for 5, 10, 20 years down the road, but what about tomorrow, next week, next month?

Follow these steps to keep you anticipating the days to come:

Decide what realistic achievement you would like to accomplish by the end of the year (i.e. take up a new hobby, read a stack of books, create a scrapbook for your grandchildren).

Now, think of what you need to have accomplished by the end of the month to move you in that direction.

By the end of the week?

And now, what can you do today to start on your journey? Perhaps you want to make a detailed plan with target dates for each item. Perhaps you want to borrow a book from the library and take some time to read—or listen to an audiobook. Or may, you want to go on a shopping trip to purchase the needed supplies for your new project.

So, while you have a long-term goal in mind, you can enjoy a sense of accomplishment when you accomplish each step along the way, a classic win-win situation.

And so, whether they be many or few, seek to make the most of the days to come.

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Sharon Village Care Homes

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

A Non-Traditional Scavenger Hunt | Sharon Village Care Homes

Do you remember the wonderful games you played at children’s birthday parties and summer camp? Perhaps, you had the opportunity to go on a scavenger hunt or two in your day.

While it likely isn’t practical to imagine doing so again in quite the same way, you might enjoy the following suggestions just the same.

And if you’re bold enough, why not invite others to go on this non-traditional scavenger hunt with you?

And what will you be looking for? There is a list below, but feel free to make your own additions.

1. Before you even get out of bed in the morning, think of three things you’re thankful for.

2. Make note of the name of the first person you see. If you don’t know his or her name, just ask.

3. When choosing your clothes for the day, see if you can select no two items of the same colour.

4. At breakfast, introduce yourself to two people you don’t know and make note of their names.

5. Select a book you’ve never read and write a synopsis of the first chapter.

6. Participate in an activity that hasn’t interested you previously and write a pro/con list to determine if you’ll participate again.

7. Find someone who was born in the same month.

8. Find a staff member with pink on his/her shoes and make note of his/her name.

9. Find a resident who has lived in the care centre for less than a month. Chat about his/her first impressions.

10. Spend some time outdoors—or looking out the window. Name as many plants, flowers, trees, and birds as you can.

11. Make a list of six people you haven’t been in touch with in a while and drop each of them a note just to say hello. (People still enjoy getting “snail mail,” but email is another good option if you have access to a computer.)

12. Make a list of four of your favourite songs. (If you have access to the Internet, you may want to listen to them on YouTube; you can find almost anything on YouTube.)

13. If you watch TV or listen to the radio, make note of people’s names that begin with A, B, and C; place names that begin with D, E, and F; and objects whose names begin with G, H, and I.

14. See how many of your teachers’ names you can remember. How about names of childhood friends?

15. Make a list of all the colours you see around you.

16. Make a list of things you would appreciate others doing for you and choose one of those things to do for someone else.

17. Think of five things you enjoy about being older. This is an especially good list to keep track of and add to. You can look it over when you’re having a rough day.

18. Before you drift off to sleep, think of three things that happened during the day that brought a smile to your face.

May you succeed on your hunt for happiness each day!

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Sharon Village Care Homes

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Kids These Days | Sharon Village Care Homes

We’ve all heard the saying . . . kids these days!

And yet, there are plenty of examples of young people seeking to make the world a better place.

There are everyday examples of what some used to consider common courtesy.

One mom had to take her young children to the doctor’s across town. She had to ride the bus with her three in tow. It wasn’t a problem on the way there. There were plenty of available seats. And yet, on the way home, it was a different story.

You see, school had just let out, and the bus was filled to overflowing with high school students. All the seats were occupied, so this mom tried her best to deal with a stroller and her family. Before the bus had gotten a block from the medical centre, a teen offered her his seat. She was most grateful and knew then that kids these days aren’t all that bad.

And it’s not only these little things that make the world a better place, of course. It’s those examples of young people giving of their time and energy to reach out to those in need.

A group of senior high teens and their sponsors took their vacation time to head two-and-a-half hours north to run a day camp for elementary school-aged children and reach out to their fellow teens. They ran fundraisers to cover the cost and met together regularly before the trip to prepare.

They slept in tents and put in long hours decorating the facility, practicing skits and songs, and preparing games. And more importantly, they spent time getting to know the children and having fun with them. Their efforts and willingness to adapt when asked were well-received.

The local teens, however, were not as keen to spend time with “the intruders,” but the young people kept up with their day-to-day responsibilities faithfully and enthusiastically. Their sponsors were impressed with their efforts.

Yet another group of young people committed to traveling 15 hours east to help in whatever way they could. As it turned out, they ended up tearing down a building and saving the organization thousands of dollars. For this, the team gave up time, money, sleep, and relaxation—and had a blast while doing so. And, of course, there was the 15 hour return trip, which included a broken down van and the fun that goes with it.

And a third group ventured even farther afield. So many people talk about their wonderful vacations to the Dominican Republic, a warm Caribbean destination that sounds pretty good to those of us in the Great White North about this point.

However, there is “another Dominican Republic,” one where poverty and despair are the daily reality. And this was the destination of these young people and their adult sponsors. Again, they were working with children, but the conditions were eye-opening. The Haitian refugees were discriminated against. Three million of them lived in only 104 square kilometres.

The team’s days involved working with the children: stories, games, crafts, songs, and reaching out to those on the streets and paying calls to local residents. They also were involved in a building project.

And what was one young man’s favourite part of the trip? (By the way, this particular teen is setting records in field events and could very likely be headed for the Olympics. He gave up training time to go on this trip.) This is what he had to say:

My favourite part of the trip was working with the kids. My favourite part of the day was, without a doubt, spending time connecting with the kids. They took such pride in completing their crafts and listened intently to the stories. They just wanted to soak in everything we had to offer.

Kids these days, indeed!

We may not hear about these examples. It seems we’re more prone to complaining about the times when someone—young or not-so-young—wrongs us in some way. It takes practice to look for the positives. But we’ll be happier when we do—and so will the people around us.

Why not get together with some of your friends and discuss positive experiences you’ve had with young people. Even better, why not invite a few of them in to address the group. You may very well come away encouraged by “kids these days.”

Let’s look for reasons to smile today.

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Sharon Village Care Homes

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

12 Ways to Avoid Idle Hands | Sharon Village Care Homes

You may have developed one or more of the skills below over the years . . . or you may be looking for something new to occupy your hands and your mind.

Whichever is the case, the following can fill many hours and bring tremendous satisfaction. And remember to be patient with yourself. New skills take time to develop, and those you’ve had for years may be hindered by failing eyesight and/or motor control. Make adaptations as needed.


Anything from a rustic picture frame to a personalized nameplate makes a wonderful gift. (Of course you will want to exercise caution. Carving tools can cause injury.)


While you may consider colouring a child’s pursuit, there are several detailed colouring books created for those of all ages. Why not grab some crayons or coloured pencils and have some fun?


From the intricate lace doilies that used to adorn tables and couches to the cowls and hats made with the large Q hook, crocheting is here to stay.

Cross Stitch

When you think of cross stitch, your mind may automatically go to the impossibly-tiny stitches of classic counted cross stitch samplers that were once so popular. But there are also cross stitch patterns that can be created on plastic canvas, which is much easier to work with and comes in a wide variety of sizes.


All you need is a pencil and a piece of paper and you’re all set. Whether you’re a skilled artist or just want to doodle, it’s a great way to pass the time.


As is the case with cross stitch, there are embroidery patterns for those with varying levels of motor control and skill.


Knitting is perhaps the most popular handcraft of all. Therefore, if you don’t know how, it’s likely you can find someone who does and would be willing to help you. And the idea of knitting with chunky yarn and extremely large needles or even just your hands makes it doable for almost everyone. Why not learn a few simple stitches and get busy making that first scarf?


Paint-by-numbers. Watercolour. Acrylic. Oil. From painting on canvas to purchasing unpainted novelty items at the dollar store, there are lots of options when it comes to taking up painting.


Many people find puzzle-making relaxing and enjoyable. If you have the space to leave it out, it can be a great way to pass the time for several days—or even weeks. The wonderful thing about puzzles is that they came in all shapes and sizes. Plus, the designs range from easy to extremely difficult. And this is one of the best hobbies to share with the other residents.

Rug Hooking

Rug hooking is a fairly simply handcraft to learn. You can make everything from pillows to wall hangings. There are several different kits available that include all you need.


This pastime, like all others, can be as simple or complex as you choose to make it. There is likely thousands of dollars worth of scrapbooking supplies at the local arts and crafts store, but there are also complete kits you can get for under $30. Pull out those family pictures and create something wonderful.


Whether you use sculpting tools or just your hands, why not create something with clay?

The post 12 Ways to Avoid Idle Hands appeared first on Sharon Village Care Homes.

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